Monday, July 24, 2006

Monday's Musings

  • Google is your friend - at least in how to 'get a girl and get laid'. Damien spent his Sunday writing this - does it work as well in 'getting a boy'? I suggest Damien spends next Sunday trying it out and of course reporting back on his experiences!
  • Gay Community News (or GCN as its now only known these days) is 200 editions old this month. Maman Poulet’s picture appears twice in this edition. Anyway to mark the occasion they have 12 mp3 tracks available for download on their site from 12 different irish queer artists. Shaz Oye, Zrazy and Michelle Ann Kelly are on my Creative Zen today.

  • As Simon hinted the other day there has been conflict over the issue of highlighting the situation facing gay people in Iran. Some western organisations are disputing whether the 2 teenagers executed last year were gay, they also say that protesting against these actions is Western oppression of Islamist culture or something like that. Well Al Fil of the Middle East Gay Journal Blog replies to all this hokum and tells the Western Gay Movement (well the official professional NGO wing) to cop on.

I hate what Long [Scott Long of Human Rights Watch] says about "imputing a Westernized ‘gay’ identity on these youths", which is a steaming pile of donkey-#$%@. Islamists are putting a gay identity on people in the Middle East just as much as the West is. Gay people in the Middle East didn't experience the current level of persecution until the 1990s, when the gay movement began to gain momentum in the West. Why? It's simple - Islamists want to distance the East from the West. By showing how gay the West is, and how gay the East isn't, they accomplish their goal. Why do you think there has been so much coverage of gay marriage in Western nations? Gay people are a group that evoke relatively little sympathy in the Middle East, and are an easy target for the Islamists. The current crackdowns targeting gay people are merely an extension of the Islamist vs. Western Imperialism battle that has been raging for decades. Islamists superimpose the term "gay" just as much as Westerners, and it's uninformed - and a bit ethnocentric - to say otherwise.


At 07:33, Anonymous Anonymous said...

3500 hits since midnight. Invasion of the nerds!

At 14:40, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um, any chance you could save me a copy of GCN?

At 23:59, Blogger Maman Poulet said...

yup will do...x

At 06:28, Anonymous CT Local Food said...

Thanks for this blog postt


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