Thursday, December 15, 2005

Ford's Reversal

Mental Meanderings had us thinking about Ford and its new straight outlets only advertising policy in the USA. Acceding to a threatened boycott from the American Family Association, Ford said that it would no longer sponsor lgbt events or advertise in lesbian and gay media outlets.
The repsonse to this announcement was swift, leaders of 17 lgbt organisations met with Ford on Tuesday and tonight Ford announced it was going to continue advertising and sponsorship and apolgised etc. etc. In fact Ford would not only be advertising its high end products in the Jaguar and Landrover ranges but will also run coporate ads for the Ford brand in these outlets. Americablog, who was running the blog/internet campaign to tell Ford what lgbt's and their supporters thought of them, has the full text of Ford's letter to lgbt groups here.
The matter received huge coverage in the USA and The Daily Show even included it in sketch which you can view at Crooks and Liars.


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